Friday, December 23, 2011

The Plan

The trip to India is less than a month away, so I am busy finishing up my lessons and collecting materials to teach.  The plan for my two week neuroscience program with the monks will include:

1.  A review of neurotransmission
2.  Hemispheric dominance
3.  Vision (finish what I did not get to last time)
4.  Hearing/touch-pain/smell/taste
5.  Learning and memory
6.  The Autonomic Nervous System
7.  Sleep, dreaming, circadian rhythms
8.  Scientific Method/Statistics

I hope that the monastics will have time to do some of their own research on a topic of their own choice.  Also, I want to encourage debate and discussion about various neuroethics issues.


  1. Dr Chudler,
    Would you like to do a one-day workshop for teachers who teach pre-schoolers, say up to six years of age. We can include some parents too.

    We are a school who is very eager to incorporate Brain Development as a serious part of the training course.
    We are based in bangalore.
    Warm regards.
    ifted Education And Research Foundation,
    GEAR Foundation, in short

  2. Srini:

    Thank you for your very kind invitation. Unfortunately, I will be teaching every day and will be unable to get away from those responsibilities. Best of luck with your work.


  3. Good luck for the workshop!

    As I am interested in Neuroscience options in India, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could let me know which Institute or University organized this workshop.

    Best wishes,

  4. Anna:

    The workshop I am involved with is sponsored by the "Science for Monks" program.

