Friday, October 10, 2014

Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

Because I did not teach on Wednesday afternoon, I was able to get a car and travel up the hillside to the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) with Vivian White, an astronomer from San Francisco, who is also teaching the monks.  The LTWA is a partner organization of the Science for Monks program and Geshe Lhakdor, who I have known for several years, is the director of the library.  Geshe Lhakdor gave us a tour of the library and its museum.  On the way to the museum, I ran into two monks who I knew from previous workshops in India.  These two monks are preparing to travel to Emory University where they will study.

On the way back, we had an incident (“accident” is too strong a word) on the road with another car.  The roads here are very poor:  they are very narrow, sometimes unpaved, and often potholed.  As we traveled down the hillside, another car was coming up.  Even though our driver pulled as far over to the side as possible, the other car scraped our car.  No one got too upset, but the driver had to pull over to the side of the road to inspect the car and call his boss to tell him what happened.

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