Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Pizza and Pop Music on MG Road

After the tour of the Gonjang Monastery, it was time for dinner.   So we headed down to MG Road at the center of town.  MG Road is a long, open-aired, walking district, with stores and restaurants on either side.  

The program staff suggested an Italian Restaurant they had gone to before.  Eating pizza and listening to American pop music at an Italian restaurant in the middle of Sikkim, India, was a surreal experience.  But the pizza was actually very good! 
MG Road at Night


  1. I really like this one. How'd you do that? Wide aperture, slow shutter speed?

    1. Yes, you are correct! I placed my camera on a traffic barrier and set my camera on a 2 second shutter delay to avoid any camera movement. Then I set my camera to keep the shutter open for about 1.5 sec with automatic aperture.
