Monday, March 20, 2023

Now That's A Trip!

After 22 hours in transit, I finally made it to India.  The 14-hour trip from Seattle to Dubai was made easier for me because I had an entire row to myself.  I suppose I slept for 2 or 3 hours.  My lack of sleep gave me the opportunity to perform a little experiment on myself about how fatigue affects reaction time and hand-eye coordination.

The flight I was on had a flight entertainment system with many movies, TV shows and games.  One of the games was a simple baseball game where a player had to press a button to swing a bat to hit home runs.  The pitches were either high, low, inside or outside and a player had to pick which of these areas the pitch was thrown.  Points were scored by the number of home runs and the distance of a hit.  If the ball was not hit, then a player would strike out: 10 strikes and the game was over.

During my experiment, I kept track of my score during the long flight.  As you might guess, my scores got lower and lower as I grew more tired.  Even with more practice over time, my scores still fell as the flight went on.

Although my scores got worse over time, I was still able to leave my mark on the game with the top 8 out of 10 scores on the flight.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you hit the most home runs of any neuroscientist on the flight, Eric! :-)
